knop: zoek

plaatje: bulletMy point of view... (by LucyEileen)
People say that Mexicans have a special relationship with death and I agree. We know that we can’t do anything about it, but what we can do is using our creativity and imagination to mock death with humour and irony. For Mexicans death has a lot of colour and also a happy face. I think funerals in Holland are to sober and too formal. In my opinion, it should be a happy celebration where families and friends can gather to farewell their relatives and accept death as a new beginning of life and not as an end. Dutch people find death very private and also personal. Most of them avoid the subject or simply feel uncomfortable to talk about it. The Dutch have made their deceased really “dead” and unreachable. Dutch funerals have sober rituals, traditions and beliefs. This has created a large distance between the deceased and the living. Therefore, my suggestion is to consider other ways of dealing with the dead based on Native Mexican rituals.